ECEC Play Hubs

TOY for Inclusion is establishing ECEC Play Hubs: non-segregated play spaces for all generations in eight European countries: Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey.

ECEC Play Hubs are located in areas that are reachable for families of all backgrounds, and are designed and run by Local Action Teams or LAT composed by representatives of both communities, school and preschool teachers and local authorities. Along with activities aimed to help children develop necessary skills and knowledge for formal education, these spaces mobilize local communities around young children and organize intergenerational activities involving older adults from all background.

The TOY for Inclusion Play Hubs organize play-based activities designed to help children develop necessary skills and knowledge for formal education. The Local Action Teams, responsible for each Play Hub, mobilize local communities around young children. Activities can take place in the Hubs but also in other settings in the communities, such as community centers, libraries, parks, squares, preschools, health centers.

The Play Hubs also function as parenting support hub where parents and grandparents can visit with their young children/grandchildren to borrow toys and books, and at the same time learn about how play supports children’s learning development and access information about other child and family-focused services and events in the community. Play Hubs are aimed to serve as centers for the community and reach beyond education and care, primarily by offering space for activities dealing with health, nutrition, etc.