
Call for presentations: Symposium on IG Strategies in Early Childhood, Nov 2024

June 18, 2024 |

The 1st International Symposium on Intergenerational Strategies in Early Childhood will take place on Sunday, November 24, during the 2024 Bright Start International Conference – Early Years Excellence in Practice, organized by the Bright Start Foundation in partnership with University College London (UCL). The Conference is both Online and In-person and will take place at UCL East in London, November 22-24, 2024

A Call to Present has been announced for exclusive 15-30 minute speaking slots at the conference, focusing on innovative ideas, experiences, and best practices for the continuous engagement of grandparents and older family members in early childhood settings.

For more information and submission guidelines, please visit the website at:

Bridging Eastern and Western views on IGL: 2nd International IG Conference 

January 29, 2024 |

On 27 January 2024, 50 scholars and IG leaders came together to present and discuss the latest research and innovation in IGL at the Second International Conference on Intergenerational Learning in Hong Kong. The organisers were the Hong Kong Jockey Club IGL and Reading Project and the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong. The hybrid format of the conference meant that presenters could also join online from China, Singapore and Japan as well as from Australia, Europe and the USA.

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New publication: Generations Growing Together. A handbook for practitioners and trainers

January 16, 2024 |

Generations Growing Together is ‘a book of our time’. New handbook for practitioners and trainers about IGL published today 

One of the most frequent requests we receive in TOY is for a practical handbook about IGL for practitioners – a ‘how to’ guide with tips and strategies.  Generations Growing Together, Intergenerational Learning as a Pedagogical Strategy in Early Childhood Education and Care Services, which is launched today offers this and much more! 

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New from WHO: ‘Connecting Generations’, a guide for practitioners

October 11, 2023 |

We are happy to share the news that today, 11 October 2023, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has published and made freely available, the Connecting Generations Guide. It builds on the evidence in the Global report on ageism that interventions for intergenerational contact have been proven to work in addressing ageism, together with policy, law and educational interventions.

Connecting Generations provides step-by-step guidance for anyone wanting to use inter-generational practice to combat ageism and to promote understanding and mutual respect among generations.

ICDI staff were amongst the panel of experts who peer reviewed ‘Connecting Generations’ during its development and the TOY programme is included as a case study and one of the featured intergenerational organisations around the world in the Guide.

The Guide, which was edited by the Demographic Change and Health Ageing team in WHO, is part of the global campaign to combat ageism.


Register now for the TOY Online Course starting on 7 November!

October 10, 2022 |

Registration is open for the next TOY Online Course which takes place between 7 November and 11 December 2022. The course, titled, “Together Old and Young: An Intergenerational Approach” is unique in its focus on young children (0 – 10 years old) and older adults and aims to promote awareness and expertise to support you in developing good quality, sustainable intergenerational practice. The course is constantly being updated with the latest research findings and publications. This edition has an expanded section on IGL as a pedagogical strategy in early childhood education and care.

Click here to find out more about this free 4-module course and to register.