Category: Home featured

Breaking the Australian Monolingual Mindset: IG programmes and language revitalisation

May 1, 2024 |  Sophia Stirling

More than 90% of Australia’s Indigenous Aboriginal languages are at risk of disappearing. Intergenerational programmes involving elders can help reverse this trend. Read Sophia Stirling’s blog about this issue.

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Addressing ageism through IG practice: one programme at a time

February 22, 2024 |  Katrina Radford

For the past 10 years, Associate Professor Katrina Radford from Griffith University, Australia has been researching intergenerational practice in a non-familial environment. As part of this work, she has been promoting the concept of Grandfriends also as a way of addressing ageism. Read on to find out more about her work.

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Generations Growing Together: New Handbook on IGL in ECEC

January 16, 2024 |  Anne Fitzpatrick

Generations Growing Together: New handbook on implementing intergenerational learning in early childhood education and care (ECEC) services now launched. To get a taster read this blog by its author, Dr Anne Fitzpatrick.

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A Glimpse into Norwegian Intergenerational Practices

Livsglede for Eldre or Life Joy for the Elderly,  began as a volunteer initiative in Norway in 2005 to bring joy to older adults in their own community. It has since become a human rights-based national certification system for nursing homes. Read on to find out more about its intergenerational work.

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The Immeasurable Gains of Intergenerational Learning

September 19, 2023 |  Bernie Pentony

Working closely with families and communities is an important part of early childhood education. Therefore, intergenerational learning would seem to be a natural ‘fit’ for early years services, something that struck Bernie Pentony, an early year’s educator in Ireland.

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